The Meteorology and Climate - Modeling for Air Quality Conference Committee is comprised of researchers and educators throughout the world who have been working in the field for many years. The committee is dedicated to the dissemination of information that can assist in the improvement of research for decades to come. They have taken the time to ensure all information presented at this conference is of the highest quality, as well as relevant and scientifically accurate.
2019 Lead Chairs
Gabriele Pfister
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Georg Grell
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
2019 Technical Program Committee
Ajith Kaduwela
California Air Resources Board
Ave Arellano
University of Arizona
Baode Chen
Shanghai Meteorological Service
Christoph Keller
NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
Daven Henze
University of Colorado Boulder
Eric Pardyjak
University of Utah
Jeremy Avise
California Air Resources Board
Jimy Dudhia
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Jon Pleim
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Katie Lundquist
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Kiran Alapaty
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Maria Pay
Barcelona Super Computing Center
Saulo Freitas
Universities Space Research Association / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Shu-Hua Chen
UC Davis